Tuesday, September 10, 2024

In Case You Missed It

NYC Emergency Management National Preparedness Month Family Day at the Staten Island Children's Museum.
From Sep 2-Sep 8, the Red Cross in Greater New York provided emergency assistance to 129 adults and 37 children following 39 local disasters. Here are some highlights from last week and a preview of upcoming activities.

Last Week in Review
Upcoming Events and Opportunities

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

In Case You Missed It

Helping out at the Veterans Ice Cream Social at the VA Medical Center in St. Albans. (Photo: Rick Gunter)
From Aug 26-Sep 2, the Red Cross in Greater New York provided emergency assistance to 167 adults and 51 children following 48 local disasters. Here are some highlights from last week and a preview of upcoming activities. (See below)

Last Week in Review
Upcoming Events and Opportunities