Monday, June 17, 2024

In Case You Missed It

Former GNY Red Crossers Hector Pereira and Mitch Kassel responding to flooding in Florida.
From June 10-16, the American Red Cross in Greater New York provided emergency assistance to 113 adults and 40 children following 32 local disaster responses. Here are some highlights from the past week and a preview of upcoming activities. (See below)

Last Week in Review
Upcoming Events and Activities
  • June 20: The 6th “We Were There” panel discussion (Zoom registration) will focus on our GNY members who have expertise in working with families and children across multiple lines of service.
  • June 23: Join us for our FY24 Volunteer Awards Ceremony (registered volunteers only) as we recognize the outstanding contributions of our dedicated volunteers. We look forward to seeing you all there to share some Lunch and some quality time!
  • June 24: Join the SI COAD for the Spring 2024 Tabletop Exercise, hosted in collaboration with the American Red Cross of Greater New York. This engaging, discussion-based event offers a valuable opportunity to collaborate with a range of local organizations and stakeholders and explore various role(s) during a disaster scenario.

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